When you decide to play at Otterbein, you’re joining a family of players you’ll celebrate with, laugh with, cry with, . . . that will support you and rely on you to do the same for them. A group of players that works with and for each other to accomplish our long-term goals, promote team events and complete the day to day tasks.
You represent your family, teammates, coaches, . . . the program in general. Professors, peers, etc. view you as an Otterbein Soccer Player. Everything you do/post will be done with class. Impress Otterbein Staff (students & adults), Training Staff, Professors, Families, Opposing Teams/Parents, Restaurant Staff, Bus Drivers, Hotel Employees, . . . everyone.
Competitive Edge
A recognition that the qualities needed to win, . . . to beat our rivals, need to be practiced in training. Every exercise is based on an awareness of winning/losing/time remaining and how we play according to each situation. As Cardinals we agree to push each other, to demand the best of each other (mentally & physically) and recognize the demand is urgent, not personal.
Discipline is attention to the Core Values over the course of your career. It’s practiced daily and includes your commitment to conditioning and improving your skills & knowledge of the game. The disciplined player is accountable (in and out of season) for her improvement, her actions, her effort and holds her teammates
to the same standards.
An appreciation for the differences in players and diversity of personalities that make a successful team. Patience, Understanding, Willingness to Communicate and be clear about thoughts & feelings with
teammates & coaches.
Pride in being a student-athlete at Otterbein, in being a member of the Women’s Soccer Team and in the history of the program. Pride outside the program and into the community to include an awareness
of the bigger picture.